Annual Peace of Mind Conference
Mindfulness * Learning * Community
By educators, for educators
Welcome to Conference 2022!
Conference 2022 is a wrap!
We gathered on Saturday January 29th 2022 from 10:30 to 2:30 EST to talk about “What Our Kids Need Most Now,” and explored teaching mindfulness-based SEL, conflict resolution and social justice in PreK-8. In a nutshell? Powerful conversations, inspiring speakers, warm community and hope for the future!
If you couldn’t be there at the time, no worries. We’re happy to be able to share the full recording above.
By educators, for educators, our conference featured panelists and speakers who are educators working with students every day themselves. Read more about them by clicking on the “Speakers” button.
We also heard from some of their Peace of Mind students and to sink into mindfulness practices skillfully led by Chapin Springer and Dave Trachtenberg. It’s all in the video above!
Peace of Mind Conference 2022
What Our Kids Need Most Now
Mindfulness based SEL, Conflict Resolution and Social Justice
Saturday, January 29th, 2022 * 10:30 am to 2:30 pm EST * Zoom
10:30 am
Welcome and Guided Mindfulness Practice
Cheryl Dodwell, Peace of Mind Executive Director
Chapin Springer, PoM Board Member and Mindfulness Leader
What do our kids need most now?
Linda Ryden, Peace Teacher and Peace of Mind Founder and Co-Director
Sophia Carré, MSW, LICSW Lafayette Elementary School
Jordan Love, Co-Head Lower School St. Andrews Episcopal School
Jackie Snowden, Retired Assistant Principal, DCPS
Julia Dennis, First Grade Teacher, Morrison Elementary
Lauren Reeder, Peace of Mind Parent
What needs are you seeing among your students? What do you need?
Small group conversations to share and connect
The urgent relevance of mindfulness-based SEL for our students now
Linda Ryden, Peace Teacher and Peace of Mind Founder and Co-Director
Mission Moments: “How and Why” Stories from PoM Educators and Parents
Liz Whisnant, Principal, Horace Mann Elementary School
Syreetta McArthur, Third Grade Teacher, Lafayette Elementary
Christina Simonetti-Benson, Kindergarten Teacher, Morrison Elementary
Jane Wilkins, Peace of Mind Parent
Margarita Robledo, Spanish Teacher, EW Stokes PCS
Ben Frey, Spanish Teacher, EW Stokes PCS
Peace of Mind Student Ambassadors present and lead a practice
Mindfulness and Social Justice
Linda Ryden, Peace Teacher, Peace of Mind Founder and Co-Director
Syreetta McArthur, Third Grade Teacher, Lafayette Elementary
Lynn Turner, The AntiRacist Table
Kirsten Ivey-Colson, The AntiRacist Table
Chapin Springer, PoM Board Member
Mindfulness Practice for Connection: Just Like Me
Group Reflection and Discussion
Short Break
Implementation Resources and Support
Kelly Gilstrap, Elizabeth Hoffman, Chapin Springer, Dave Trachtenberg
Group Mindfulness Practice and Intention Setting
Dave Trachtenberg, Mindfulness guides and PoM Advisor